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Showing posts from 2018

Creeper | Short Film | Thriller (amateur)

Creeper is my first short film . I pulled it together in two days with no prior planning, I had no idea what I was doing but I felt creative at that moment. I Searched the house for props, an old halloween costume, some martini, etc. I needed to make it interesting showing three different characters, some humour, a little thrill so I played the three roles; Sarah, Stephanie and the Creeper which wasn't that difficult because I just went with the flow. I could not stop laughing lol, so much fun it was! By the way the martini spilling wasn't planned but it was a good laugh! ^^chuckles** The language spoken is (Kwéyòl or Patwa) is a French-based Creole language spoken in the island of Saint Lucia where I come from.. Filmed on location in Troyes France. Edited by Jean-François Delory Visual Effects by Jean-François Delory I want to thank Jean-François Delory for his patience, he did a great job with the editing considering it was his first time. Music:

Homemade Jam with Mirabelles..

Hi everyone It's been a while since my last blog post. I have been very busy, you know how life can be demanding. I am sure you can relate. However, I have so many things to share with you. Foodie , Travel diary , Gardening , Products etc. Presently, I am on vacation in Europe and it's been awesome so far! I've been travelling to the North and South of France, Belgium, Germany. Did some camping as well; it was super! I will be sharing the photos and some of my exhilarating experiences with you in coming weeks. I do enjoy cooking as you may already know,  so whenever I travel most of my meals are homemade, trying out different recipes. This vacation I have been eating out a lot due to long distance travelling, but whenever the opportunity arises I try my utmost best to prepare delicious, healthy meals at home. I am excited to share my recipes with you in the future. I Come from the beautiful island of Saint Lucia where the cuisine is a co

Guava Jam Easter Treat Recipe

ChezTropic: Guavas are a tropical fruit variety, available in different shapes. The inside, when ripe, can be either white, pink or deep red. The pulp gets softer when it ripens and is a bit grainy. It can be oblong or circular, about 4-12 centimeters long, depending on the species.. Besides its unique flavour and fragrance, guava has been hailed as one of the  super  fruits due to the numerous health benefits it offers. It's indeed is a powerhouse of nutrients. Guava is rich in vitamin C, high in fiber, contains beneficial nutrients the body requires and is low in calories. Jams and jellies have always been staple items in the pantries of Saint Lucian households, bu t one jam reigns supreme in our household, and that’s Guava Jam. Guava Jam is relatively easy to make, but the ingredients do vary depending on your preference. Jams were also a great way to preserve the abundance of fruits before spoilage. Ingr

Tasty Cucumber Bites with eggs and seasoning

Homemade Tasty Cucumber Bites with Eggs and Seasoning. With Easter approaching, I am thinking a lot about appetizers!  I absolutely love cucumbers, they are so fresh, crispy and refreshing. Hence the reason I try to find many ways to prepare them. Last weekend I prepared stuffed cucumber bites, using eggs, herbs, seasoning from my garden. It was tasty, so easy to prepare and delicious; perfect for parties , they make great bite sized appetizers, a tasty addition to a picnic or packed lunch too, and they look fancy. You will enjoy absolutely! It will look like you spent a lot of time preparin g this, but it is really simple. Your guests will be quite pleased with these at your next gathering. Make sure you have about 2-3 per guest because its addictive.  Total: 25 mins  Yield 4 servings Ingredients: 2 medium cucumbers 2 boiled eggs 2 tablespoons mayonnaise 1 tablespoon fresh parsley, minced 1 onion (chopped) 2 clo

Puppets & Cuties

Hello everyone! Happy Sunday !!I am excited to introduce you to my Puppets & Cuties.  I have embarked on a new venture and I am having fun! I was inspired by Instagram's weekend hashtag project.  "Celebrate the uniqueness and style of unicorns"  So I got creative and pulled out felt and other craft material my mom had stored away. My mom is really gifted with her hands, she can create the most amazing handmade stuff. She inspires me everyday. Presently she is working on her brand. You will get a chance to see her work very soon.  However, you can check her out at Louisaanthony758 and GardenChitChat on Instagram. Anyway,  this weekend I made a puppet snake, of course my mom  guided me but she allowed me to do it with little help. "best way to learn" ..I challenged myself and used the sewing machine for part of the puppet making; it was super!! now I am addicted and want to learn to sew puppets and cuties!!!  lol for many years my mom tri

Character, Attitude, Face Value.

Something to make you ponder. We all have our own impressions of other people, but one should not form an opinion on someone based purely on what is seen on the surface , or by what another person's opinion of that individual is; because after taking a deeper look, the person may be very different than what was perceived/expected. Also, never be too quick to accept a story at face value. On that note, lets briefly talk about Character . We have an identity that make us unique ; character traits both good and bad which is already innate in us and it is not subject for change. People of good character exhibit attributes such as honesty, courage, integrity, loyalty, fortitude. They practice self control, they do make mistakes, they learn from it and take responsibility for it. People do not expect perfection but they expect honesty . No one is perfect and everyone is aware of that; depending on the circumstances we sometimes tend to behave out of emotion

Love in February

It's February 14th , The day Love is celebrated.  Love is the most powerful emotion anyone can experience. Love is a force of nature and its inherently free; it cannot be bought or sold.  You cannot make someone love you nor can you prevent love. Love is life's greatest blessing.  If you do celebrate Valentine's Day . Happy Valentine's Day to you! If you don't celebrate Valentine's Day, I am wishing you a day filled with love, peace and happiness!  I touched on the subject of love briefly. Please share your insight after reading. Love Throughout the year we share love. But in February we tend to go the extra mile. I am sure you would agree. I love this month, February; the month I was born, the month of love, t he month families come together to celebrate love, the month red roses are in abundance, the month kids bring home special handmade cards that read " I love you"   Your grandmother baking that special cake, the month your pet

A seat awaits you.

A stroll along the beach; a great way to unwind, get inspired and enjoy a sunset. There is magic all around, the high flying shore birds, the hammocks in the ocean, the beautiful flowers, palm trees, the sound of gently lapping waves, the reflection of the sunlight on the ocean, a magnificent sunset, the sensation of the wind blowing through my hair so invigorating and pleasurable. I am intoxicated by the wonder of it all and being alive is truly a blessing and a beautiful thing.  Swing seats with a view of the Sunset . It does not end here, there is that perfect seat! the ultimate bar swing! hoorah! The wooden fixture with swing seats for my relaxation; total comfort that's absolutely amazing! This calls for a refreshing drink; maybe a cocktail or champagne.  A little chitchat with a friendly bartender who is always smiling and ready to serve, a compilation of soothing Caribbean music and a view of the breathtaking sunset. What more can I ask for? I ndeed   an

Schedule Your Priorities

Hello! It's been a while since my last blog post.  Reminds me that I need to schedule my priorities. What a challenging and exciting year 2017 was. Let's all look forward to a bright 2018. As you embark on a new year give yourself a break; it is beneficial to your mental and physical health to relax and recuperate. Life is demanding and can be stressful at times. I am sure you would agree; so many things to do in so little time. But, if you keep going at full speed everyday, it can be hard on you physically and mentally. You will eventually  burn out . and you do not want that!  Through relaxation, the body , mind   and spirit   renews themselves. Some Benefits of Relaxing; Boosts the immune system Reduces our stress levels Has a positive effect on our energy levels and productivity If you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed, you are not alone. Stress is a basic part of life, and our bodies are designed  to handle small doses of stre