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Saint Pierre, Martinique

Good day!
I hope you are having a marvelous day.

Magnificent view at work. The Windjammer Landing

It's Wednesday and it's hot! I am seated at my desk in the lobby with this magnificent view of the ocean. Reminds me that I need "vitamin Sea!" Oh well!!  Since I have been back on the job, it's been quiet but gives me enough time to get back in touch with reality after one month vacation that was super!
Today, my blog will be short because I am exhausted. However, I need to share a little information with you about a Town in Martinique called Saint-Pierre which I visited last week.
By the way, have you visited the beautiful Island of Martinique? If yes, what was your experience?

Martinique Aimé Césaire International Airport

Last week Friday 6th October 2017 at 5 PM, I arrived at the airport in Martinique after an eight (8) hour flight from Paris. My phone was not connecting so I had no means of reaching my friends who were suppose to pick me up. But, I figured they were on their way, so I walked around the airport, and wandered around a few boutiques. My friends were running late, I grew worried because I had not made any arrangements at a hotel. I started to ask questions with regards to nearby hotels in case there was a mishap and I was left stranded. At last they were here! It was only an accident on the way which held up traffic. Ouffff !! better late than never, saved me some money lol

As we drove to Saint Pierre the western side of Martinique, the traffic was heavy and it looked like a Christmas tree with all the colourful lights. It took 20  km to get to Saint Pierre which seemed like forever considering I was very tired. By then I was ready for bed.
The following day jet lag kicked in but with a cup of herbal tea, a wonderful view of the ocean, nice breeze and the harbour of Saint Pierre from the balcony, I was energized and ready to hit the road again. Before leaving, I took a walk around the neighborhood, asked a few questions and gathered some information about Saint Pierre. The waterfront road abutting the back of the apartments was nice and well maintained. The town is interesting and definitely has historySaint Pierre was the cultural capital of Martinique before the eruption of Mount Pelee in 1902. It was known as "the Paris of the Caribbean"
Be sure to visit the musueum with all it's artifacts from the volcano eruption.

It was time to head back to the airport. My driver was ready. I bid my farewell and thanked my friends for such awesome hospitality. As we drove, I could not help but notice the stunning black sandstone beaches, the architecture which speaks of a rich heritage, with it's vintage look, a magnificent scenery. I was disappointed with my iphone 4, the camera sucked! A sign that it was time to upgrade!  However, I managed to get a few shots, not the perfect capture, but I promise to take better photos next time. ^^grins^^   I am awaiting my new toy, woohoo! What toy? My new phone of course with a better camera ^^giggles^^

Anyway, I arrived at the airport safe, chatted with a couple from Dominica about hurricane Irma which devastated the island. It was a sad story. My mood had changed. But, I could not wait to get home to see what I could do to help. It was time to board the aircraft. I am happy to be going home to Saint Lucia I missed my mom, son and 7 cats haha.  I hope you too will visit Saint Pierre. Until my next blog. Do have a fantastic day/night. More photos below.

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Martinique Aimé Césaire International Airport

Local market

Green Bananas


  1. Congrats Jessica, it makes me want to explore Martinique :)

    1. Thank you Jean Francois Delory. You should, it is beautiful!


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