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Snapchat fun and Weight Loss Journey

Weight loss journey

I started working out at home on November 18th 2017. I went from 165 pounds to 163 pounds. Not good enough in my opinion, so I will persevere. My realistic goal is to go down to 135 pounds. I do not desire to be too small, just an ideal weight for my height and for wellness. I must admit, I do feel better and more energized since I started exercising. Let's see what happens. I am on this journey to succeed.😁😙🙄😎💜 

What do I do or don't do?


I don't do strict diets, it NEVER works for me! Instead, I eat smaller portions. NO more large meals woohoo!!
I eliminated rice and pasta in the week. But I indulge on Saturdays. Why Saturday? It's my day off and it's cheat day!! Yay!

Now sleeping on time is essential, very, very important, but do I adhere? To be honest, Sometimes.
Deep rest during the nights helps fight stress, maintain healthy weight, and keeps energy levels high. The deepest and most regenerative sleep occurs between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. So if the body is deprived of that regenerative sleep between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. most likely you will wake up feeling very tired. It happens to me very often, hence the reason I need to sleep on time. 


I love, love, love fruits. Every morning before breakfast, I prepare and drink a cup of  lemon, sour orange or grapefruit water. Whichever is available at the time. Most times I harvest from my backyard garden. 

Five days a week it's Time to party like a rock star in my bedroom! Music turned on, a selection from my favourite aerobics playlist, and the dance floor is all mine. I dance for 30 minutes having lots of fun in the process which is important for me. Some days  I make use of my dumbbells and mini stepper. 

I try to incorporate some karate moves in there.  Martial Arts is a sport I am passionate about because growing up, I practiced for many years, so the techniques are still fresh in my mind. From my experience, it uses all the muscles in the body, gives a total body work out, improves the mood, and be sure to burn tons of calories during a session. 

I'm a wine and gin lover! Help!! "Ok I know, consume less alcohol and drink more water."  I am trying my best,  True story!  "grins"

Laughter is my medicine, so I do it often. 
I try to do whatever makes me happy, because stress is a slow killer and who needs that!

It's late and I need some beauty sleep.  Stay close to me while I embark on this weight loss journey, trying to achieve realistic goals. I am curious to see the results in a few months. Lifestyle change  takes motivation and will power. 

I am ready!

Do you have any advice?  Please share.

Before pic September 2017


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